Wednesday, October 31, 2007

the hamster

the patch is great fun. checkin out the randoms and games to be haved. stephy isn't so great in the cage. the p.e teacher kicked her a__ in the hamster race. the kids had better luck at other avenues of the farm. the after hour race with hillary and the flappers was much better.

Friday, October 26, 2007


here's my little buddy, dakotah, decorating his window for the season. besides my own kids, who have yet to make the site, this little guy is a keeper. he warms his autie stephy's heart.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Jim's Rehersal night at Hills

what fun! joe, jim, matt, julie, steve, brewer, and alex, love having you all in my world. we've had some great times together, and i know there's more on the horizon.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


there's something about growing older, having a family, gaining responsibility, and getting into the routine of everyday life, at times it becomes a bit mundane. the minute you step outside that life and connect with old friends, you become that person you were years before. for a brief time, you can go back and 'be' without all the added stress and responsibility of life. isn't it bliss? and what better way to do it then at your buddies wedding. jim's wedding at hills was the perfect place for all of us to come together. great friends, food, laughter, and spirits. wouldn't of had it any other way. thanks jim, for bringing us all together...............for a moment.

my first pumpkin

there's nothing better than watching the little ones find their favorite pumpkin in the patch. my nephew, dakotah, takes his first trip to find the perfect one. they are so priceless, how simple life seems, just me and my pumpkin.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

My first post

here i am in spokane, welcoming a new nephew into the league family.  i saw my first baby being born into the world today. wyatt phillips was born today at 8:44am at holy family hospital and i am his new favorite auntie.  it was a complete miracle and as squeamish as i am about blood and guts i loved the entire process.  new life is one of the most beautiful gifts one can observe. i find myself so fortunate to have had this experience and to be so close to the best sister god could have given me.  i am grateful for being alive today.